STC clearing house transfer list

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The STC clearing house transfer list operates on a first-in, first-served basis, with the most recent offers for certificates added to the bottom of the list.

Transferring certificate ownership will not change the position of certificates on the STC clearing house transfer list—certificates retain their position on the list from the moment they are first listed for sale.

The ‘offered on’ column represents either the date the STCs were first offered for sale on the STC clearing house transfer list, or the date they were transferred to a new owner.

The STC clearing house transfer list is available to the public and required under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000.

See the Clean Energy Regulator website for more information about the STC clearing house.

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Current status:
Number of STCs:
{{model.absOfNumberOfStcs | cernumber}}
Last updated:
{{model.updatedOn | cerlocaldatetime}}
The STC clearing house works on a surplus/deficit basis:
  • When the STC clearing house is in surplus there are more sellers than buyers and so a seller's STCs are added to the end of the STC clearing house transfer list. STCs are sold from the STC clearing house transfer list on a first-in-first-served basis.
  • When the STC clearing house is in deficit there are more buyers than sellers and so a seller's STCs will be sold immediately.